CHANGE IS SLOW But it happens. The Minamata World Convention goes into force April 16, 2017. 40 years the need was recognized. Something to Celebrate!!! Chasing Mercury by September Williams awaits you. The novel is a soaring cross cultural romantic suspense saga. CHASING MERCURY by September Williams E-book is at these outlets: AMAZON, APPLE IBOOKS, BARNES & NOBLE, GOOGLE PLAY, KOBO, also soon at libraries using OVERDRIVE and BIBLIOTECH IF Chasing Mercury consider reviewing it. ( Especially on Amazon or Good Reads.) It turns out what you think encourages others to read the book.
Bohemian Forest
Chasing Mercury, Chapter 5, 'Bohemian Forest Water Shed, July 1973'
As the sun rises, the bus crosses the River Spree, pulling through the gates of Berlin’s Humboldt University. Hundreds of young adults perch in the stone courtyard, some hanging from the balcony, guarded by marble pillars and neoclassical Roman roof sculptures. Guitars in hand, a chorus of ‘C’s serenade them—Cape Verdeans, Cambodians, Cameroonians, Czechs, Chileans, Colombians, Costa Ricans and Cubans. They greet the tardy Canadians, voices filling the sweltering damp dawn with Cat Stevens’s song Baby, Baby It’s a Wild World--
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